Nuestros alumnos 1º a 6º han participado en el XXIV concurso provincial “RIO CINCA” de dibujo naturalista organizado por CEHIMO. Este año el tema es:
“¿Cómo cuidas el medio ambiente?”
El CEIP Joaquín Costa es un colegio amigo y respetuoso con el medio ambiente, la comunidad educativa está muy implicada con su cuidado.
Aquí podéis ver algunos de los dibujos realizados por clases:
Our students from 1st to 6th grade have participated in the 24th naturalist contest “RIO CINCA”” organised by CEHIMO. This year the topic is:
“How do you look after your environment?”
Joaquín Costa is an eco-friendly school and we are considered to be a Green school. Our teaching and non-teaching staff is aware and involved in preserving the environment.
Here you can see some of the drawings made by children from different classes: